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Achievement in EVERY field of human endeavor.

tHE north central province is always achieving. take a look at the stories and highlights of some of the great things we are doing throughout the province and thorughout Kappa.


Bro. Samuel Raheem named a Changemaker Scholar.

Bro. Samuel Raheem (Beta) was named one of four Kappa/Geico Changemaker Scholars. He will receive a $5000.00 scholarship. He is majoring in Business mANAGEMENT AND mARKETING AT tHE unIVERSITY OF iLLINOIS.

Belleville-O'Fallon Kappa League wins National Debate.

Belleville-O'Fallon (IL) Chapter Kappa League won the National Kappa League Debate and went home with a check for $10,000.00. Great work Nupes and great work young men.


Gary (IN) Alumni awards $12,000.00 in scholarships

Through the work of their annual golf classic, gary Alumni was able to award 12 young people with $1,000.00 scholarships. Great work to the Gary Alumni Brothers.

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